Blue Saturday

What to do on a rainy Saturday? I am caught up on the infinite amount of laundry (it’s a bloody miracle) that seems to breed in the multiple hampers we have around the house, so that’s a check off my list of things to do. The rain has put a damper on any outdoors activities…

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It’s been a while

Isn’t it funny how life can take you from the direction you were headed, spin you around and spit you back out in a completely different universe? I was just plodding along, working on looking for an agent when all of a sudden life got in the way. I ended up traveling down a long…

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Pursuing Dreams

  About 2 years ago I had a conversation with my kids about goals and dreams. Somewhere in the middle of discussions about being a video game developer (courtesy of my 11 year old son) and becoming a princess (my 7 year old daughter), my 12 year old daughter asked me what I had wanted…

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