You make me feel like dancing

Ugh, I am feeling uninspired. It seems like my creativity and imagination both decided they aren’t talking to me today. Usually, I feel the lure of a blank word processor page, like it’s an open invitation to paint something beautiful with words. Today I look at it and all I see is the flashing cursor,…

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Sweatin’ to the 90’s

I woke up this morning to no rain, no clouds, no misery disguised as a soaking wet Florida August day, so I decided to go for a walk once the sun came up. The sky was the most amazing shade of blue that kinda reminds me of our October sky (which might just be my…

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Anyone up for enslaving the galaxy with me?

Some days I just seem to get so much accomplished and today is one of those days! I feel like I have conquered the world, and it’s still only 2:03 in the afternoon. Still plenty of time to enslave the rest of the universe and even make dinner at a decent time. I feel like…

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Is it time yet?

So, tomorrow is the first official day of the yearly back to school chaos that plagues my existence. Part of me is extremely excited that summer is rapidly coming to an end, but at the same time I am not looking forward to the stress and anxiety of making sure that everyone has not only…

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Blue Saturday

What to do on a rainy Saturday? I am caught up on the infinite amount of laundry (it’s a bloody miracle) that seems to breed in the multiple hampers we have around the house, so that’s a check off my list of things to do. The rain has put a damper on any outdoors activities…

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It’s been a while

Isn’t it funny how life can take you from the direction you were headed, spin you around and spit you back out in a completely different universe? I was just plodding along, working on looking for an agent when all of a sudden life got in the way. I ended up traveling down a long…

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Pursuing Dreams

  About 2 years ago I had a conversation with my kids about goals and dreams. Somewhere in the middle of discussions about being a video game developer (courtesy of my 11 year old son) and becoming a princess (my 7 year old daughter), my 12 year old daughter asked me what I had wanted…

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