Healthy living is a lot of work

I know … I missed posting anything yesterday. I have a really good excuse, though. So, yesterday I was a complete bore and did nothing noteworthy at all. It was totally lame. Today I did some grocery shopping and then did something I haven’t done in forever. I meal prepped (well, a little anyway). See,…

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Where’s the damn sandman when you need him

So, here I am again stricken with my next bought of insomnia. While all the little (not so little) children in the house, along with the pups, are all tucked away in their beds fast asleep, I’m sitting here not quite wide awake, and yet not anywhere near ready to lay my head on my…

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Emailing Politicians

So, I know I haven’t been around online (at all) in a pretty long time, but I have been dealing with some very serious family issues and I just haven’t had it in me to either socialize or write. The challenges I have been facing seem to be all consuming, draining me financially, dealing with…

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It’s written all over my face

So, we have come across the first Monday of 2019, and Mondays in this house are always Mask Mondays, so I am sitting here writing today’s blog post with a mud mask on. Yes, skincare is a big deal in this house. I mean, it’s definitely a challenge fighting against the sands of time, holding…

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I think it’s gonna rain today

Rain … rain always makes me melancholy, and diets make me moody, and headaches steal my words. I had an awful headache yesterday and today, which is why I didn’t post something new for you all, and I’m sorry for that. This rain and gloominess today has definitely stolen my sunshine, but thankfully we live…

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Where is my mind?

Missing sleep is a B*TCH and some days I feel it more than others. Today is one of my better days, where my brain is still mostly functioning, but others I don’t fair quite as well. I am struggling with day and night reversal right now. I have been spending way too much time during…

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New Year New ME!!! LMOA

Hello 2019!!! God I absolutely love the first day of each year, because I get to start my life all over again. I get a complete do-over. All my past mistakes can be forgotten, all my dreams can be refreshed and rewritten and reorganized. It’s like life and time give you a blank slate to…

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I’ll be sore tomorrow

So, tomorrow I am going to be sore, cause I finally got off my butt and started working out again. I hate working out … like absolutely hate it. I’m not really good at it, either, but I figure my half assed workout has got to be better than no workout at all. I mean,…

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Autumn, you’re such a tease (Sunday’s post)

Got my hike on this morning!! Jen went with me out into the wild woods in Crews Lake park. It definitely wasn’t as nice this morning as it was yesterday, but Florida is like that and although yesterday was a breezy mid 80’s kinda day, today is working it’s way back up into the 90’s…

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All of this and homecoming, too (Saturday’s post)

I can feel it this morning. The cooler, dryer air is calling me out into the wilds, begging me to get out and get lost in the trees somewhere tucked away from all the chaos and daily grind. Too bad I have a million things going on today… and the kids won’t wanna go even…

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