Author Archives: April

Waiting on fate

I’ve looked everywhere Wandered directionless through my days Called for you in my dreams Begged the heavens for any clue as to where you could be I know you’re out there I can feel it in my bones You make me ache Make me writhe between my sheets Make me imagine so many delicious possibilities…

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Beauty is a beast

Beauty is painful, time consuming and freakin expensive. I don’t wear a lot of makeup, don’t do a lot with my hair, but I do spend time keeping my skin and hair healthy. Part of that is all the facial creams, treatments and habits I go through. I start every week with Mask Monday (a…

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The key to survival is … a happy cat?

I know I have been MIA for a bit here yesterday and today, but I have been ridiculously busy. You see, my oldest daughter finally gained access to her inheritance and we have been shopping for essentials for the apartment she will soon be moving into (as soon as we drive down there next week…

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The simple life

Happiness can be a fickle thing, but it doesn’t have to be. I’m slowly learning that the true path to happiness is to find a way to be content with what I have. That doesn’t mean I have stopped my pursuit of more, just that I don’t stake my joy in life on getting those…

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I feel it there Deep beneath my skin Like an itch I just can’t scratch Like an ache in my chest I try to ignore it Try to distract myself with life and love and peace But that isn’t a cure It’s a temporary fix A band aide applied with my eyes closed Knowing full…

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In dreams

I ran across an artist last night that I have never heard of before and wanted to share him with all of you. He is a photographer that manages to capture Florida the way it always looks in my dreams. In fact, when I get a chance, I’m going to have to order a few…

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Go with the flow

Some days just move like the tide, slipping quickly and easily from dawn till dusk. Everything just seems to flow. It’s like we live an effortless existence where we find no struggle, no distractions, no obstacles blocking the motion. Those days are the best. They make us forget the harder days a little. They bring…

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How to kill inspiration

Boredom is an inspiration killer, and let me tell you, tonight I am completely and utterly bored out of my ever loving mind. I was screwing around on facebook and twitter and instagram and have just run out of things to do on there. I really don’t want to read or watch anything tonight, so…

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And so ends another day

I’m sure I have mentioned it before, but just to reiterate, I absolutely love sunsets (I love sunrises, too but we aren’t on the right coast for those, so I’ll stick with sunsets). And I’m sure I have previously mentioned that I love the beach. Well, this evening I decided the kids and I needed…

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I could never leave you wanting

I have a few things I want to get off my chest tonight, so I’m going to apologize in advance for anything I say that upsets or offends any of you. I almost took a mental health day from here today, because the day didn’t go as smoothly as I wanted it to, but about…

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