Soup’s on

God do I love my Sundays. I get up and head out for the farm to pickup all the veggies I could want for the week, then come home and completely trash my kitchen in the process of cleaning and chopping my take, then start cooking and planning what we will be eating for the week. I usually squeeze in a run to the store to get anything I am lacking ingredient wise (though today I didn’t need much of anything, so I sent Dalton out to procure milk and I’m giving oat milk a try, Tiff’s suggestion … I’ll give you my take on it later in the week). This week Tiff was recovering from her fun filled Saturday of total Harry Potter emersion, so I dragged my wonderful, amazing sister-in-law Deanna (god I love that girl). She makes things so much fun with her excitement for all things life. We fed the chickens and goats, and attempted to feed the cow (named Bella). Although Bella came over to see us, all she was interested in was a couple of head scratches, but left the collard greens for the goats (I feel ya Bella, I’m not a fan of that particular green vegetable, myself). After loading the hatch of Olivia with enough veggies to feed a small village, and grabbing a bag of their fresh kettle corn (cause it’s good to have a snack on our drive back to Pasco County), we headed home. Yes, there were collard greens in my boxes this week, but I chopped them up and stuck them in the huge batch of vegetable soup I made for dinner, so I’m happy with that. Bison was super excited to see me when I got home, and even more excited to see the veggies, he managed to jack a mini pepper and a collard green leaf or two that got knocked off the counter … I will not be surprised at all to find some of the collard green leaves stashed somewhere tomorrow, since he discovered that they were not as tasty as cabbage or Brussel sprout leaves, which are his fav.Anyway, not too much to talk about today since I was only 2 places (the farm and the kitchen). Tomorrow I back to the woods with my girls … I can’t wait. Anyway, hope you all got everything you wanted out of your weekend!!