Cause I’m the Taxman, yeah, I’m the Taxman

So yes, I missed a few days of blog posts, but I promise to make up for it today with … what, I don’t know. I would offer to do a song and dance, but I’m afraid I would break things and no one should ever be subjected to that nonsense unless you live with me and catch me jamming out while I work away in my kitchen (it’s not a pretty sight and I think it actually sounds worse than it looks), so instead I’m going to regale you with what I have been doing with my time since I last posted. I have had some ups and downs over the last few days. Hmmm … should I go straight into the lows, then hit you with the highlights of things that have been happening first? I think that might be for the best, this way I can end on a positive note. Yeah, so it turns out that I will not be building my cupcake empire in the near future. I am not in the right place financially to undertake that venture at this time, so it has been securely placed on the back burner for the foreseeable future. Honestly, now that I have had time to morn that particular dream, and run through not only the startup costs, but also the manhours I would have to dedicate to bring it to fruition, I may not ever pursue that particular dream, but I’m not going to worry about it right now. Other avenues of income and creative outlet have come to me, so I’ll still have my hands full with those. Okay, so there is the bad … now for the good. I have had so much fun hiking with my girls (these particular girls are my mom and Paige, along with Daisy and Peaches). We went three days this week and managed to hit two parks. It was awesome. The pups are getting better with being somewhere other than the house and actually started enjoying going in the car. The human company I have had with me has taught me many things that I would not have known otherwise. I must say that the experience will be something I never forget. I think I am going to try to make sure we make it out there three times a week from now on. As for this weekend, well today I had a come to mom party this morning where I announced the introduction of house taxes (taxes for lack of personal responsibility). I am charging taxes on all sorts of things, if they are left for me to handle. There is a messy bathroom tax (imposed on all who use that bathroom if I come across it and find it not up to my standards of cleanliness), a dishes tax (imposed on all who use my kitchen throughout the day and neglect to clean up after themselves), a bedroom tax (for those who do not keep their bedroom tidy enough for me to navigate it without tripping over crap on the floor), and a gate tax (for all those coming and going that neglect to close the gate behind them). If I find the bathroom in disarray or dishes left in the sink, all parties who maybe responsible will be forced to cough up $1. If I enter a bedroom that is a mess, it will cost $1. If you do not shut the gate when you come or go it’s, yup, $1. I should be rolling in dough before the end of January. Oh, and for those who do not have funds to pay their taxes, well there are plenty of chores that this taxman will happily accept as compensation, so not only will my personal bank account swell, but my house and yard will be neat and tidy as well. I call this a mega win. Yes, today has been a stellar day, and tomorrow is already promising to be just as wonderful, since tomorrow I’ll be hitting the farm again, this time with my sister-in-law. All I can say is 2020 has been nothing but roses so far … fingers crossed for that to continue. Anyway, hope you all are having a spectacular weekend out there! 

Ugh I really need to clean the front door again … silly dogs like to knock when the want to go in and out and they get it all dirty.