Some might say I have a problem

Oh man, I had a damn good and super productive day! I got up early(ish) and went to my favorite farm with the bestie. It’s so nice to have a place that’s relatively local where I can get super fresh organic produce for an amazing price. See, if you actually drive all the way out to the farm, you can get these produce boxes for $10 (I generally buy 2 when I go). They have all sorts of yumminess in it and I think about 90% of it is grown and harvested right there (this week it was 100%, I believe). Of course when I’m there I always end up picking up a few extra things. This week, for $44 I got two huge bundles of swiss chard, 4 giant carrots, 4 kirby cucumbers, 4 beautiful bell peppers, 4 sweet peppers. 4 hot peppers, 8 mini yellow sweet bell peppers, 8 red radishes, 2 giant daikon radishes, 4 vadalia onions, 2 lemons, 4 zucchini, 4 yellow squash in just my 2 $10 boxes. My extras this week were a spaghetti squash, 2 acorn squash, 4 beautiful tomatoes, 18 fresh eggs (from their chickens on site) and a reusable grocery bag with their logo on it. While we were there we fed the goats (holy crap they had babies that were too cute for words). They also have chickens (as I stated earlier), cows, bunnies, ducks and a horse or two and you can feed them all for free. Such an awesome place. The people are amazingly friendly and the property is breathtaking. After that I came home and started cleaning and chopping everything, so my fridge is absolutely full of all that yumminess, just waiting to be eaten. I made pickles and pickled my hot peppers, prepped a bunch of veggies for salads and have my swiss chard on standby for tomorrow night, then took all the scraps and started a vegetable broth in my crockpot. Oh, and later in the day I took Bison for yet another ride in the volvo (which I decided is named Olivia) … he was one happy puppy. Tomorrow morning I’m taking the shepherds on a hike with Paige, Jen and my mom (girls’ trip to the woods). It should be beautiful. For those of you that live locally, check out Beasly’s farm on facebook … they are seriously awesome. Below find a picture of all the produce we squeezed in my car (the bestie is responsible for half, so it didn’t all come home with me lol) … and some pics of the goats we were feeding. Anyway, hope you all had an amazing Sunday!!