And the word of the weekend is cold

Yuck. I absolutely HATE being sick. I hate the feeling of being totally drained of energy, of all the sniffling, sneezing, snotty bs that comes from being sick. And I’m the worst patient, even for myself. I’m surly and grouchy and I want to do everything and nothing all at the same time. I hate the feeling of confinement, of being forced to stay in bed, or just sit around doing nothing. Sometimes I try to drag myself up into action, but as soon as I make my way to the kitchen (which really needs to be cleaned, but isn’t getting cleaned today) I can feel every ounce of motivation just dries up and dies and I force myself to get a drink then return to my room, or the couch or wherever I have taken up residence for the duration of this stupid cold. Oh, and I had to make that oh so fun phone call to my dad and explain why I was skipping out on his party that he and Kelly were so excited for. The whole time I was on the phone with him my nose was threatening to start dripping, so there I sat clutching a tissue in my hand, waiting for the deluge to begin (thankfully it waited till I was done, so I didn’t have to actually blow my nose while I was on the phone). My dad was understanding and flat out told me that he could hear how yucky I felt over the phone, then he thanked me for not bringing my funkiness over to encroach on his festivities, which of course made me feel even more like yuck. Oh man, and I have gone through more tissues in one day than I normally use in 6 months and because of all my tissue use I now have a very inflamed, sore nose (freakin Christmas is over and I look like Rudolf, so lovely). Anyway, I know I’m over sharing and should probably stop … I mean, who wants to read about me being sick? Not me, that’s for damn sure, so with that thought I’ll bid you all goodnight and crawl back into bed with hopes for starting to feel better tomorrow, especially since I’m getting up early and going out to the farm tomorrow to get a whole box of fresh veggies and it’s going to be butt cold (ugh, I hate everything that’s related to the word cold). Btw, no pictures today … didn’t want to scare anyone with any awful images of a sick me. Okay, I’m off. Hope your Saturday wasn’t spent going through a whole box of stupid tissues.