Fast Cars and a Bubbie

Some days are just amazing from beginning to end, and some are horrible without a break for a breath, but my today was a mixed bag of awesome and ugh from start to finish. On the awesome side of things for today, I got my cute little volvo registered so I can now zoom around in it (it’s old, like my truck, but I am beginning to think I like my vehicles that way). I took Bison (aka the Bub) for a ride, then took it to the car wash and had it shined up so it’s looking it’s best. Seriously. I’m already in love with this lil’ (compared to the truck) wagon (did I mention that it has a cute little turbo in it, too … cause yeah, that’s so cool … oh yeah, and a moon roof, so yay me). When I took The Bub for a ride I hit starbucks, and although he couldn’t have any of their doggie treats, he did thoroughly enjoy talking to the guy at the windo, so yeah, that was a total win. Now I just need a name for my wagon (the truck is The Beast). Anyway, so that was my super awesome for the day. As for the ugh side of things, well, it’s official. I’m freakin sick. I have a cold that seems to have decided to go straight to my head and make my thoughts all slow (so slow that at times I cannot think of the words I want to use till long after I’m over that thought, which I cannot even begin to tell you how unhappy that makes me), but I keep looking at the picture I took of my Bub, sitting in the back seat, all happy and junk, and I’m back to smiling. I’ll be loading up the girls on Monday, for a hike in the woods, so expect some shots of that soon (The Bub can’t handle hiking, so he’ll have to stay home for that one). Anyway, I need to take the dogs out in the car more often, and while I’m now a two car person (and Alex can use the truck as much as he likes and I’ll still have wheels to get around), the pack and I will be venturing out for fun adventures as often as possible. Okay, so the emergen-c seems to be wearing off and I can hear my hot shower calling my name. Got a party to go to tomorrow evening, so hopefully I’ll have something fun to share with you all tomorrow night. Hope you all had a good one!!