Hello 2020 … I’m so happy you’re here

So here I am on the eve of the first day of this brand new, shiny, sparkly year/decade. I realize I was hit or miss where it came to being a good blog mom last year, but I’m hoping to change that this year (fingers crossed that I make this work), and I think I’m ready. Ready for all the new challenges that I’m sure will come my way. Ready for all the new adventures I plan (and don’t plan, but happen anyway) to experience in the coming months. Ready for everything that life decides to throw at me. I have some new ideas that I want to explore, new projects that I want to pursue, and new creative outlets that I fully intend on cramming down your throats (like photography, so expect to be bombarded with pictures in the near future). Last year I was slackin a lot where it came to writing in general, but this year I want to make sure I do it regularly, and share it often. Oh, and I have made zero resolutions, just have given myself more goals (most of which I’ll share as I conquer them). I am completely in pursuit of happiness, peace and a greener life and will be working on it for hopefully many many years to come. Okay, so now that I’ve spewed what I intend to do from here on out, I’ll leave you with this … I am hopeful. I am full of so much excitement and anticipation of the future and I wish nothing more than you all find your peace, your happiness, your own excited anticipation in your lives. Love, peace and happiness for us all is my greatest dream. Now I’m off to try to catch up on my missed sleep from last night (Easton decided that we needed to host a party and let me tell you … it was a loud and late night).

Bison did not want to get up after the shenanigans of the night before