Wandering amongst the pines

This morning I walked forever (really it was only 8.3 miles, but damn did it ever feel like we walked to the other side of the forest, though the trees never seemed to end). Mom was in rare form and lead us off trail, then back on again. We ended up with pups that wanted…

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Soup’s on

God do I love my Sundays. I get up and head out for the farm to pickup all the veggies I could want for the week, then come home and completely trash my kitchen in the process of cleaning and chopping my take, then start cooking and planning what we will be eating for the…

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Take a hike!!

What a day! Took the shepherd girls to a park for a hike with mom this morning. Originally Paige and Jen were supposed to come with, but they both passed when they realized they would have to get out of bed before 9:00am (yeah, they were none too pleased when I woke them up so…

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Some might say I have a problem

Oh man, I had a damn good and super productive day! I got up early(ish) and went to my favorite farm with the bestie. It’s so nice to have a place that’s relatively local where I can get super fresh organic produce for an amazing price. See, if you actually drive all the way out…

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And the word of the weekend is cold

Yuck. I absolutely HATE being sick. I hate the feeling of being totally drained of energy, of all the sniffling, sneezing, snotty bs that comes from being sick. And I’m the worst patient, even for myself. I’m surly and grouchy and I want to do everything and nothing all at the same time. I hate…

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Fast Cars and a Bubbie

Some days are just amazing from beginning to end, and some are horrible without a break for a breath, but my today was a mixed bag of awesome and ugh from start to finish. On the awesome side of things for today, I got my cute little volvo registered so I can now zoom around…

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I seem to be finding all new ways to be creative

It’s the second day of this new year and I decided I would try my hand at crocheting. I went out and bought the yarn (really pretty super soft wool yarn) and some crochet hooks (again pretty, with pink handles and comes with a nifty little case to put them in). I’ve been watching videos…

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Hello 2020 … I’m so happy you’re here

So here I am on the eve of the first day of this brand new, shiny, sparkly year/decade. I realize I was hit or miss where it came to being a good blog mom last year, but I’m hoping to change that this year (fingers crossed that I make this work), and I think I’m…

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