All You Need Is Love … and a baby chick named Lennon

OMG I have a baby chick!! Or maybe I should say Daisy has a baby chick. I’m sure you all are wondering right now how this happened, and I’m totally going to tell you. My wonderful, amazing, awesomely excellent neighbors just got a bunch of baby chicks and one of them was being super aggressive towards all the others and was attacking them. Well, instead of putting this precious baby down they offered her (she is supposed to be a hen, but this aggressive disposition leaves us to wonder if she is actually a rooster and not a hen) to me. I used to have chickens in my early adulthood and miss raising them so much, so how could I possibly say no? So, let me introduce you all to baby Lennon (we went with a gender neutral name, just in case and we just so happen to love the Beatles). Once the kiddos (but mostly Daisy) saw this cute bundle of fluff, everyone was on board and a plans were made. Leo and I will be building a chicken coop (hello pallet project), along with a fence for a vegetable garden (Leo and I have been planning a garden for a while now, so I’m excited to begin that). After said coop is built we will be getting more chicks so that we no longer need to buy eggs, instead we will be well stocked with fresh eggs. I’m seriously turning into a total hippie chick. Lennon seems to like Daisy, too. She gets louder whenever Daisy walks away from her. Hopefully that doesn’t continue through the night. Bison is pretty interested in her, too … until his little brain forgets that she’s here, then he’s off watching something else (I don’t know how he can forget, though, since she never seems to shut up). Anyway, plans are in the works and I am looking forward to making my house a little more hippieish where I buy less from the stores, waste less in the kitchen (compost is a beautiful thing) and leave a little less of a carbon footprint on this world. Wish me luck!!

Currently listening to Lennon making beautiful music while Daisy sits watching enraptured.

Daisy hasn’t moved since I brought Lennon home