Nobody’s Social Media Darling

Current Obsession: Nail Polish. Yes, you heard me right, nail polish … though I have been having a hard time finding colors that appeal to me, but thankfully I have about a million in a drawer in my bathroom (this particular drawer is dedicated just to the art of painting nails). Too bad most of the bottles I have are as old as sin and need to be trashed. I spent a good bit of time this afternoon (while the rain was coming down in buckets) mining for an acceptable color that wasn’t so gummy it couldn’t be used, and I scored a very attractive purple that is perfect for this season. So, I now have purple fingers and toes (I kinda suck at painting my own nails, so even with some cleanup, they still are not exactly photo ready), and I figured while I am waiting for them to dry all the way, so I can add a high gloss topcoat, I would hammer out a fresh blog post for you all. Anyway, today while I was browsing all my social media accounts (the whole three of them) I realized something. I am a horrible social media darling. I truly suck at the whole social media thing. I just don’t participate enough to be relevant in any way. I really just enjoy being a voyeur. I do see/read/appreciate all of your posts, but fail to interact with any of them. I can’t even figure out why I don’t get involved, I just don’t. So, I’m just going to tell you all on here that I laugh at your memes, feel your pain when you have things in your life go wrong, revel in your successes and love each and every one of your pictures that you post … I’m just not vocal about it. Your kids/dogs/cats/friends and family are all super adorable, or super cool. Everything you do looks like amazing fun. I am in awe of how much of your lives you are willing to share on so many platforms. I guess I am a bit more subdued (me? Who knew). I have always thought of myself as super outgoing. I mean, get me in person and I’m liable to talk your ear off till you just want to shoot me, but stick me in my facebook app and I clam up worse than a mute. Again, open up a word processor page and I can drone on and on, but ask me to interact on Instagram and you get a whole lot of nothing. That goes for messages as well. I just flat out suck at responding. Oh sure, I can manage for a while, but then just like my dogs, something will happen in my real life and I never get back to those messages. I have no clue why I’m like this, but I thought I owed you all an explantion. So yeah … keep doing what you do … I will be watching from the shadows (that doesn’t sound creepy at all, right?). Okay, my nails are dry and it’s time for me to throw together dinner for my crew. Hope your Wednesday was smashingly good fun. LOL (don’t mind me … I’m feeling a tad bit silly at the moment)

Currently listening to Nervana, Pennyroyal Tea

(No pics today cause I just didn’t feel like snapping any … sorry guys)