Busy Bees Being Busy

Hi all! Sorry for the delay in fresh blog posts lately, but it’s been crazy busy around here, and to be honest, by the time I had a few minutes of downtime, all I wanted to do was veg on the couch with a game controller in my hands (been feeding my inner gamer geek persona a bit too much lately, but such is life). Between that and my first sewing attempt (which I must say turned out pretty awesome, so I have rinsed and repeated many times over …drum roll please … I made scrunchies, lots and lots of scrunchies lol), my free time has been consumed. Oh, and here’s an update for you. I absolutely hate my cake pop mold and am doing research (in between saving the universe and sewing scrunchies) before I procure a new one. Nevertheless, cake pops will have to wait till I find one I actually like. Other news from the kitchen, I made some amazing chicken bone broth in my crockpot, some seriously awesome biscuits, and I have found my perfect ratio of unsweetened almond milk to all natural organic creamer to drive my coffee addiction to an all new level (it’s getting almost scary, but I am trying to keep it somewhat in check). On the furniture front, I’m planning to start a few simple reupholstering projects (looking for more uses for all the fabric I now possess), and want to make super cute pillow cases for my throw pillows in my living room. On the kiddo front, Paige started her new nanny job after she kicked the preschool gig to the curb (not that the preschool was bad, she just got tired of being sick all the time), Jen is being super nice and behaving much better, which has me on edge (paranoid, me?). The boys are, all three, just being boys (Easton has a Halloween party for us all to attend in a few weeks when he comes home again). Dalton (Paige’s boyfriend) has moved in and is a welcome addition to the house (I can hear him playing a video game in his and Paige’s room as we speak). The dogs are driving me up a wall (especially Bison, who seems to be going through a starving phase and always thinks it’s time to eat again). Ummm … I think that about covers it (maybe). Oh wait, I have one more thing to add in here. Yeah, so I’m trying the dating game again (I really suck at it, though). So far, no crazy cat guys have hit me up online, but it’s still a very new (again) thing, so give it time. Hopefully you all have survived these last few weeks without my posts to add a bit of entertainment to your days. I will try to be a better blogger and post more often.

Currently listening to Jen playing Minecraft and Bison sing to me about how he is going to die if he doesn’t get dinner right this very second.

Scrunchies anyone? 🙂