When I said I needed a hobby

What was it I wanted to write about today? It was just in the front of my mind, then the pups distracted me (like Bison is right now, since he is demanding a second helping of food by trying to dig to China in his empty food bowl … he’s not getting any more, though, since he’s already a portly fella). Ah yes, now I remember. I’m picking up a (yet another) new hobby, though I’m not too certain how it will all pan out. I will need a few tools to get started with of course (mostly a clue on how to do it, since I am a complete novice where it comes to said new hobby). You see, I just so happened to get the gift of a metric ton of random fabrics (I haven’t even seen what this fabric looks like, not even colors or types or whatnot), so I am going to try my hand at sewing, though again I have no clue what I’ll be sewing, since I haven’t laid eyes on this fabric. So now I am in the market for a sewing machine (which I will be purchasing used, since I hate waste and don’t like the idea of paying full price for anything, either). I spent a few minutes (read hours) looking at machines on Letgo and Offerup, but haven’t made any hard decisions on one yet. Going to do a little more research before I pull that trigger. Hopefully I can figure out how to use the damn thing and turn this fabric into many somethings (the learning curve should provide some entertainment for us all). I also have been informed that a church pew (yes, you read that right, a church pew) will be taking up space in my garage in the next couple of days, for god knows how long. The thing is huge. Thankfully I managed to sell a tiny side table today to free up some space (that would be the sound of sarcasm, cause I really don’t have room for this thing, since it’s like 10 feet long … good thing I am not responsible for it’s transportation). I am going to pick up the fabric tomorrow (two large closets full of fabric and about a million sewing patterns that are probably older than I am, but it’s cool since we seem to recycle styles, so maybe some of them will be useful, if I can actually learn how to sew them). I am seriously turning into a hippie here (not to be confused with a hipster). Leo has been talking about starting a vegetable garden and I have always wanted to keep bees, so who knows, maybe we can both benefit from my more hippieish outlook on life. First, I must procure a sewing machine and see if I cannot conquer this sewing thing. I’ll share along the way, of course. Okay, I’m off to play a little Fallout New Vegas, then hit the hay. I leave you with the yard invasion that freaked the shepherds out. We had a flock of storm trooper birds (that’s what I call Ibises) cross the fence line and wander around the front lawn looking for a meal this evening. I’ll post the picture I sent Leo out to take below. Hope you all survived your Tuesday!!

Currently listening to the sound of silence, since most of the occupants of the house have crashed out already … and Bison still digging for gold in his food bowl. I gotta get up and take that thing away from him.