Mixing up all kinds of trouble

As I’m sure you all can tell, I have had some very busy days lately, since I haven’t added anything new since Friday. That should mean I have a ton to talk about, and I do! Yeah, so my weekend was jammed packed with my son coming home from college, attempting to downsize our horde of stuff (we really aren’t anything close to hoarders, just trying to get rid of stuff we never use, since I hate all things waste, including wasted space … dust collectors must go), and finally getting around to baking up a few new flavors to take for a test run in my cupcake empire, I just haven’t had time to sit down and write about it all (or when I did have the time, I was worn the hell out). In my quest to rid the house of worthless junk, my son (the college boy) informed me that there are these handy dandy kiosks that pay you to recycle your old cell phones. God this is something I could have used years and years ago, seeing as how I still had an iPhone 5 in a drawer, in my room. I took a total of 4 old iPhones to said kiosk and walked away with some cash, and the ones I didn’t get money for were in a place where they would be recycled anyway. The life lesson of Saturday was, college kids know where you can get paid to recycle stuff, so remember to ask. Sunday I was still working on my downsizing (which is currently on pause for a day or two, so I don’t get a little overzealous and get rid of everything, plus I needed to do some therapy baking, cause it’s good for my soul) and made breakfast for all my kids, and a few significant others. That was an awesome morning … I miss my son and his girlfriend already. Today I was busy creating edible art (not really art, but they taste better than they look… promise). I made gingerbread and peppermint mocha cupcakes (pictured below), the cute new collars I bought for the girls were delivered (Amazon is king), and so were my cake pop molds, which means tomorrow morning I will be starting to leash train the pups (they are yard dogs as far as when they go outside, so they are terrified of the leash and collar, which is totally comical when I put them on them) and making cake pops (look forward to pumpkin latte as my first flavor). Yay!! I want to get the girls ready for some trail time when the weather (and time constraints) allow, so leash training is a priority (so is finding some sort of doggie remedy for car sickness, since poor Peach pukes even when we just ride around the block … suggestions are more than welcome). Oh, and while cleaning up my mess from my day long bake fest, I realized something pretty cool. My mixer has been around for 20 years now (or is it 21? I just can’t remember). It’s been more reliable than some people that have been in my life (and more reliable that I’ve been to some people). It’s always there right when I need it, then when I’m done, I wipe it down and put it back in it’s cabinet until I need it again. What an amazing relationship! Wish all worked that smoothly. Okay, enough about my weird fixation on my mixer (don’t worry, I’ll be on to other things by tomorrow). I’m off to wash the powdered sugar off of myself and then it’s bedtime. Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, and your Monday didn’t kick your butt.

Currently listening to American Horror Story (no clue which season), since Paige is watching it in her room and I can hear it like it’s on in the living room where I am writing … and a snoring bulldog.