All You Need Is Love … and a baby chick named Lennon

OMG I have a baby chick!! Or maybe I should say Daisy has a baby chick. I’m sure you all are wondering right now how this happened, and I’m totally going to tell you. My wonderful, amazing, awesomely excellent neighbors just got a bunch of baby chicks and one of them was being super aggressive…

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Nobody’s Social Media Darling

Current Obsession: Nail Polish. Yes, you heard me right, nail polish … though I have been having a hard time finding colors that appeal to me, but thankfully I have about a million in a drawer in my bathroom (this particular drawer is dedicated just to the art of painting nails). Too bad most of…

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Busy Bees Being Busy

Hi all! Sorry for the delay in fresh blog posts lately, but it’s been crazy busy around here, and to be honest, by the time I had a few minutes of downtime, all I wanted to do was veg on the couch with a game controller in my hands (been feeding my inner gamer geek…

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When I said I needed a hobby

What was it I wanted to write about today? It was just in the front of my mind, then the pups distracted me (like Bison is right now, since he is demanding a second helping of food by trying to dig to China in his empty food bowl … he’s not getting any more, though,…

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Mixing up all kinds of trouble

As I’m sure you all can tell, I have had some very busy days lately, since I haven’t added anything new since Friday. That should mean I have a ton to talk about, and I do! Yeah, so my weekend was jammed packed with my son coming home from college, attempting to downsize our horde…

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