Monday Transportation Malfunction

What a long ass, boring Monday I had today. I had a completely lackluster day with nothing exciting to share with all of you, well except for the part where the tire on my truck went flat and I watched my boys learn how to change it (with the help of my friend/landlord next door……

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And so it goes

When I started my letter writing endeavor I didn’t really plan on making any waves, and honestly my first response (from the Governor’s office) didn’t prove me wrong. As I expected, I was shoveled off to another department to be given a direction in which I could possibly find more help for my daughter, of…

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Healthy living is a lot of work

I know … I missed posting anything yesterday. I have a really good excuse, though. So, yesterday I was a complete bore and did nothing noteworthy at all. It was totally lame. Today I did some grocery shopping and then did something I haven’t done in forever. I meal prepped (well, a little anyway). See,…

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Where’s the damn sandman when you need him

So, here I am again stricken with my next bought of insomnia. While all the little (not so little) children in the house, along with the pups, are all tucked away in their beds fast asleep, I’m sitting here not quite wide awake, and yet not anywhere near ready to lay my head on my…

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Emailing Politicians

So, I know I haven’t been around online (at all) in a pretty long time, but I have been dealing with some very serious family issues and I just haven’t had it in me to either socialize or write. The challenges I have been facing seem to be all consuming, draining me financially, dealing with…

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