Flippity Flop House

Sometimes I feel like I live in a flop house, and today is definitely one of those days. In fact, I’m almost positive that I will feel this flop house vibe all weekend, since my oldest is going to be home from college, though I’m not sure why he is visiting. Yeah, so right now my living room has been invaded by Alex and two of his bros, which means they have commandeered the Echo and are currently playing Tyler the Creator. Yay. Can you feel my enthusiasm from all the way over here? But, I get it. They are all going to the Tyler the Creator concert tomorrow, so I guess they’re pre-gaming today (by pre-gaming I mean sitting around my living room, screwing around on their phones while listening to all his albums), just wish they would do it somewhere else. Okay, not really. I like having the kids around like this, since this way I know all the whos they hang out with, all the whats that they are doing, and sometimes I even get a when or two on what’s going on. They are all fully capable of feeding themselves, and if they want something that I don’t currently have in my house, then they have the ability to go acquire it by themselves. When I consider all that I can deal with the noise pollution, because it’s better than being oblivious to what trouble they are getting into out there in the real world unsupervised. And once the pups warmed up to the intruders, everything has quieted down (they were put in timeout earlier, when the boys first arrived. I told them it was crate time and they both went into Daisy’s crate, so I left them in there). I grew up in a house just like this, where all my brothers’ and my friends hungout everyday and my parents were okay with it. I’m planning on leaving them to their own devices in a bit when I go out into the garage to screw around with my furniture projects (at least I think I’m going out there, thought it’s so damn hot, I know I’m going to hate every minute of it). Anyway, this should be a very busy weekend for us, since we are going to do some rearranging and cleaning. Plus, there will be plenty of comings and goings by all my kiddos. I, of course, will be right here, working on whatever I deem important enough to garner my attention. Happy Friday all … hope your weekend lives up to your expectations.

Currently listening to Tyler the Creator (have no clue what song it is and I have no intention of asking)

Look how happy they are … I couldn’t bring myself to split them up