Ms. Responsibility

Adulting is so much fun, yes? I spent all day yesterday wearing my big girl pants, paying bills and did a little grocery shopping, oh yes, and I got my 16 year old son a new phone (at least I made one person in the house happy yesterday lol). Goo god how awful does it feel to look at your bank account after you have paid for everything. For a few glorious moments, first thing in the morning the day the money hits my account I am basking in the balance, then bam, I start making payments and everything goes south. Ugh, so after I did all that I decided to make myself some healthy cookies of the no bake variety, then proceeded to give myself a cookie (or 5) for being such a good, responsible adult and paying my bills, rather than doing what I am always so tempted to do … pulling it all out and running off with my dogs on some harebrained adventure. I managed to resist temptation once again, though, but there’s always next month. Anyway, sorry I didn’t post anything yesterday, I was too busy wallowing in cookies, like I said. Today, has been relatively uneventful, though I didn’t have to bleed anymore money, so that was a plus. Instead, I made so many phone calls that I think my phone might have grown attached to my head. Some days it just feels endless. I wish I could get paid for how long I spend on the phone each day, but alas, no such luck. One of such phone calls was to apple support, since I yet again managed to do something to block my access to my own accounts. I explained to the very nice lady on the other end of the line that I am not a tech savvy person, and that my own personal at home tech support weren’t around to assist me in what I was doing. I know I should have waited for one of my kids (ie Alex) to help me with what I was doing (meaning, I should have just had Alex do it in the first place and saved myself the issues). Anyway, after explaining how in the past I was banned (by my kids) from anything iCloud related (remember when that happened?), I had the poor lady laughing hysterically. I think I made her day. So yeah, the problem has been solved, with the assistance of apple support and all is right with the world once more. Please don’t ask me what I was attempting to do, or how it was fixed … I couldn’t explain it if I tried.

Currently listening to The Day I Tried To Live by Soundgarden

Pay no attention to the bulldog sleeping beneath my chair … he’s been there the whole time