Happiness can be found in a taco

Happiness is a cup of lemongrass mint tea and being entertained by both kids and dogs while eating tasty tacos on a Taco Tuesday. And pretty flower pots with mums that are full of buds just waiting to bloom. And Burt’s Bees lip balm (the one with the peppermint). And finding a Cherry Coke Zero when I had to make an impromptu trip to Walgreens on said Taco Tuesday. For me, it’s always the little things like that that make me happy, not saying that I don’t enjoy the bigger moments in life, but hey, big things can’t happen everyday, or they wouldn’t be so impressive. Honestly though, I could take ’em or leave ’em. I’m just happy to sit here tonight and listen to the kids all being busy in their rooms while I pound away on my keyboard at my dining room table. I’m happy that even though the weather leaves you thinking it’s still summer here, the color of the sky tells a different story. I’m happy with my funny little ghost lanterns around my kitchen window, not to mention the spider lights and skeleton lights in my living room. I’m excited that one of my rain lilies has a bud on it and will bloom for me soon and that I have yet to kill my African violet (It survived my repotting and everything, though it didn’t like being transferred to it’s new home even if it needed it badly). Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with the bad in life and the struggles I am facing that I overlook the good, so today I made damn sure to look around me and recall all the things that bring me joy to my everyday. I had a conversation with Alex about how excited he is to be going to see his favorite rapper this weekend with his girlfriend in Tampa, and Paige told me about how she was mistaken for a kid’s mom at work today. I joked with Leo about us both working out (and how weak I am where it comes to my workout). I made plans with Easton’s girlfriend for a Christmas flowerpot painting girl’s day and thought about how awesome it is that the holidays are getting closer. Even with every negative thing that is happening in my life, I still have so much to smile about … sometimes I seem to forget that. I need an app to remind me to take a step back from time to time and just bask in the good, so that I don’t lose sight of it. Maybe I can Easton to design one. Hey, we can all be his test market for it. Anyway, I can hear the Nallout New Vegas soundtrack calling my name, so I’m about to get into my jammies and veg out with a game controler in my hands. Hope you all got Tacos tonight and a little piece of happiness with them.

Currently listening to Paige and her boyfriend bickering playfully in her room while god only knows what movie is playing on her TV.