Today calls for some creative therapy

Today I totally needed a little creative therapy, since my weekend was fraught with issues that involved police being called all around. My rough patch today started with my daughter once again leaving the house without my permission, which of course led to me having to call the sheriff’s office once again (today’s officers were those that have been here before and recognized us, which is yet another fun aspect of my life). As soon as my daughter was returned to our house, my son called to inform me that he had backed into another car in the McDonald’s parking lot. I ran up there to help him through his first experience with that, and shockingly as this sounds, I was glad it all happened in the end. The woman who owns the car he bumped said something to me that I definitely needed to hear. She praised me for being such a good parent, since my son stayed at the scene and took full responsibility for his actions. She said he was nothing but polite and remorseful, apologizing for the damage to her car (all of this before I even arrived on site). She told me that I am definitely doing something right with my kids. I cannot tell you how grateful I was to have met this woman and had this interaction right after I spent time dealing with my daughter’s issues. Anyway, I came home from that and decided that I needed to focus on something creative, something that when I was done (if I was lucky) would look pretty in my house. I painted a fall terracotta pot to put my mum’s in. I actually have another one that I started, but I ran out of time to finish it today, so that one won’t be done till some day later in the week. Tonight I’m making some peppermint mocha cupcakes to go to my taste testers tomorrow, and tomorrow I am going to go up to the high school and speak to the school social worker to see if maybe she can help me get Jen into a group home or maybe help me find somewhere else I can turn for help with her. Obviously our situation is beyond what I can solve on my own, and I am desperate for any help I can get. Anyway, I’m off to finish making dinner so that I can get started on my cupcakes. Hope you all enjoyed your Sunday Funday!

Currently listening to the show Parks and Rec, since I have had to move out of my room in order to make sure my daughter doesn’t sneak out of the house when I’m not out here (kids took over the TV)