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Ever have one of those days where it seemed everything that could go wrong for you just happened to go wrong on that particular day? I seem to be experiencing that, only not just for a day, but for two in a row so far. Yesterday’s fun was only worth a brief mention, not because it didn’t impact my life in such a way that I feel like I’m in yet another tailspin, but because I don’t really like to bitch too much about the largest issue in my life. I will give you this much info on it, though. Yesterday my daughter Jen was kicked out of the rap house, which is where she’s been staying while I battle the system to find a long term treatment facility that will take her. That means I had to drop everything and go pick her up to bring her back into our house where she will cause needless amounts of stress to everyone, since that is how her mental disorder manifests. Sorry, I’m not ready to delve any deeper into the finer details of how that impacts myself and the other kids right now, but I am working on something that will explain it all, it’s just hard for me to talk too much about. Anyway, my bad luck seemed to flow right into today when I went to the grocery store and dropped my phone, shattering it’s screen. Frustrated is the proper word for how I’m feeling, but pissed as hell would encompass my emotions a bit better. I hate when things break and I really hate having to replace something just because it broke. I would attempt to get the screen replaced, but we made that mistake once (Paige’s phone broke and we just had the screen replaced) and even after paying someone to do the work, it turned out we had to replace the phone anyway. So, to save myself the hassle I will just be replacing my phone at some point this coming week. Thankfully I have been forward thinking (and know how clumsy I can be from time to time) and have insurance on it. Yes, for a mere $99 I will have a replacement phone in my hands the very next day (after I make the dreaded phone call to file a claim). Okay, enough with the blah blah bs that I have had going on in the last 24 hours. This has been a PSA to explain the interruption in our regularly scheduled programming. You may all return to your Saturday fun. Look forward to a second post later this evening (like I said you would get last night, but life kinda got in the way). I promise this time I won’t let you all down.

Currently listening to Daughter by Pearl Jam (while I make super healthy waffles to stick in the freezer for the week)