Expect some delays

I’m sure you all noticed that I didn’t have a post up at some point last night. I started writing something and I don’t know where it will lead yet, so I figure I should keep it quiet for now. Anyway, that’s what I was doing when I should have been writing yesterday’s post, so if you could forgive me? Actually, I am noticing a pattern here. It seems one day a week there is a hole where a post should be, though so far the day changes. Guess we will have to see if that continues, though today I am filling that hole with a Friday morning post, instead of a Thursday night post, and I still plan on posting at our regularly scheduled time at some point tonight. So, the other day I ended up with a few more furniture projects in my garage that I hadn’t planned on adding. The older I get, the more I hate seeing things go to waste, so I end up rescuing pieces that really aren’t trash worthy, just need some clean up, maybe some paint or stain, and they would be perfectly fine for someone to use in their house. Anyway, I “rescued” two more dining room tables and a bunch of picture frames from meeting the end in either the dump, or someone’s burn pit, plus two dining room chairs that will eventually end up in my own house. The tables are kinda cool, though they will be a challenge to get into usable order. I’m hoping they will turn out well. Yeah, so one of these days don’t be surprised when you find me talking about finding new homes for these wayward pieces of furniture … hopefully they will be a thing of beauty that someone will treasure for a lifetime, or at least until they fall apart in about 50 or so years. Now if only I could convince myself to get out there and get things going. Maybe tomorrow I’ll make myself get started on them. Today I think I’ll continue on this writing project I started last night, or I’ll end up taking a nap since I couldn’t seem to fall asleep until well after 3:30am again. How I managed to roll out of bed today before 8:30 is beyond me. Okay, the espresso maker is calling my name from the kitchen, so I’m off to indulge in my morning routine … plus, the dogs want to go run around the yard and track sand in that I’ll have to sweep up about 15 times today. Time to make the doughnuts (oh, excuse me, my age is showing. Does anyone else remember the old dunkin commercials?)! Lol Go out there and enjoy your Friday and I’ll update you n our antics tonight.

Currently listening to the shepherds lose their minds at the front door