Just Another Day in the Life

So, I went to bed last night with great intentions of getting a ton of stuff done today, including doing a full on cardio workout and cleaning my house from top to bottom. Yeah, you could say I was a bit ambitious. Needless to say things didn’t quite pan out the way I wanted them to. To start I woke up way later than I originally intended, which set everything back. My workout was short due to my total lack of doing any cardio in years, so I pretty much died right then. I ate breakfast so late that I ended up forgetting about lunch (which of course I didn’t realize until about 4:30 this afternoon, so a protein shake was lunch). And when it came to cleaning the house I had to battle the bulldog in order to get the floors done (he absolutely hates the vacuum and attacks it very time I pull it out, which I have a picture of for your viewing pleasure) while running the gauntlet of shepherds that kept wanting my attention … or to go outside and bark at the neighbors. Oh yes, and now that I have mentioned my pack, they were very helpful with cutting short my workout. The girls kept trying to get in on the action, and Bison wouldn’t move out of my way. Doggie challenges all around today. I did manage to get the house (mostly) clean in the end, but yeah, it was a long ass day, and it’s only Tuesday. Sigh Tomorrow I have to drag my lil’ butt out to the garage, to work on some unfinished furniture projects after I workout, and maybe give all the dirty dogs a bath (they are pretty filthy right now). Not much exciting going on around here, but with all the craziness of late, I’m kinda diggin the peace and boredom that I have going on this week, so keep your fingers crossed that this trend continues. Hopefully at some point this week I’ll get some hiking in, though with my lack of transportation I’m not holding my breath (still enjoying the lack of wheels, to be honest, except when I want to get a dose of nature). Okay, I’m kinda out of stuff to talk about, so I’m gonna sign off. Enjoy what’s left of your Tuesday and look for me on here again tomorrow night.

Currently listening to the new album by The Lumineers, which I’m still on the fence about, but have a feeling it will grow on me.