Monday Transportation Malfunction

What a long ass, boring Monday I had today. I had a completely lackluster day with nothing exciting to share with all of you, well except for the part where the tire on my truck went flat and I watched my boys learn how to change it (with the help of my friend/landlord next door… thanks again Brian). You see even I didn’t know how to get the spare from underneath the rear of the truck, which meant they needed guidance from someone with the knowledge, or I was going to make them look it up on YouTube. Instead, I lucked out and Brian was home (YAY). It was fun watching them out there being boys and learning something they will need to know how to do when they are out there on their own (and now I know that if I have the problem in the future I can just call them and avoid getting my own hands dirty). They managed to get it done pretty quickly and the truck was back on the road in no time. Of course I never get to drive my own vehicle anymore because my son Alex recently got his license and has been zooming around in it ever since, but since he has a job I make him pay for all the gas he uses. There are other benefits to letting Alex live in my truck (he’s never home anymore), other than not having to pay for the gas. Like I now have a completely free short list grocery delivery (and most of the time I don’t even have to foot the bill for the items I have him pickup for me … I call it a truck rental fee). I also have a builtin excuse for opting out of events that I would prefer not to attend (sorry I won’t be able to make it over, but Alex had to go to work and he has my truck, though on the downside I have had to miss a dinner on Friday with my dad that I did want to go to for that very reason, but we have to take the good with the bad, right?). And if Leo wants to go fishing and I’m not feeling like getting feasted on by bugs, well Alex, you have some free time so take your brother. I’m telling you, this is such a wonderful thing. My older two kids didn’t want to drive my truck (mom, it’s too big), so this is a first for me and I am planning on milking it for all that it’s worth. Anyway, it’s mask Monday and I have another mask to use before I hop in the shower and wash the coconut oil out of my hair (the things I do to hold onto my youth), so I better wrap this post up. Here’s a pic of myself right after I took the last one off (the after effects are shocking, but it really does increase the blood flow to the surface of my face and gives me such a glow lol). Hope all of you survived another Monday!

Currently listening to everything on Spotify by Khalid