And so it goes

When I started my letter writing endeavor I didn’t really plan on making any waves, and honestly my first response (from the Governor’s office) didn’t prove me wrong. As I expected, I was shoveled off to another department to be given a direction in which I could possibly find more help for my daughter, of course I’ve already applied for all the help that I could get from there, so it ended up being pretty pointless. Seriously though, I never thought I would end up finding the help that I am so desperately needing, since it doesn’t really exist in our state. No, my true goal was to bring this deficit of resources to light so that in the future others won’t find themselves in the same position I am currently in. Needless to say, my emails to the politicians were fruitless so far. I also sent a letter to the editor of the Tampabay Times, though, and they will be publishing my letter in their paper in the near future. I was shocked to receive an email in response to my letter this afternoon informing me of their acceptance. It gives me hope that maybe my struggles are not in vain. Maybe there actually IS a reason I am going through all this and in the end someone else will be saved from having to face the same challenges, though I know this is only a very small beginning in a battle that may be bigger than I can take on alone. Anyway, I do not know when my letter will appear in print, but if I find out I will let you all know. I will keep trying to be a voice for those in this boat with me, so watch for my updates as I journey down this long road. My daughter may not appreciate the work I am putting forward for her, but I am in her corner even if she doesn’t realize that she needs me fighting for her in the shadows. Okay, enough with the heavy. So, I tried adding Pinot Noir to my cupcakes and they ended up in the trash. I wouldn’t even attempt having anyone taste that creation. Instead, I made a batch that I’m calling “Black as My Soul” cupcakes in honor of the upcoming holiday (or maybe because it was Friday the 13th a few days ago). Anyway, these are a chocolate cupcake filled with blackberry cream cheese and have a dark chocolate frosting (pictured below). Super yummy. The staff at Smiles by Graff and Storybook on the Ridge will be sampling them tomorrow, so I’ll let you know if they make the cut or not. Yeah, so I’m beat. Time for this girl to get some beauty sleep. Hope you all had a great weekend and did lots of fun stuff. I’ll catch you all tomorrow.