Flippity Flop House

Sometimes I feel like I live in a flop house, and today is definitely one of those days. In fact, I’m almost positive that I will feel this flop house vibe all weekend, since my oldest is going to be home from college, though I’m not sure why he is visiting. Yeah, so right now…

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Ms. Responsibility

Adulting is so much fun, yes? I spent all day yesterday wearing my big girl pants, paying bills and did a little grocery shopping, oh yes, and I got my 16 year old son a new phone (at least I made one person in the house happy yesterday lol). Goo god how awful does it…

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Happiness can be found in a taco

Happiness is a cup of lemongrass mint tea and being entertained by both kids and dogs while eating tasty tacos on a Taco Tuesday. And pretty flower pots with mums that are full of buds just waiting to bloom. And Burt’s Bees lip balm (the one with the peppermint). And finding a Cherry Coke Zero…

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Tonight’s nectar from the Gods (I really should have spiked it)

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. That’s how the old saying goes, right? Well, I’m sitting here, drinking lemonade right now, but I didn’t make it. Paige and her boyfriend decided they were hitting Chick-Fil-A for dinner (not like I made dinner or anything … freakin kids with jobs), so I begged that they…

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Today calls for some creative therapy

Today I totally needed a little creative therapy, since my weekend was fraught with issues that involved police being called all around. My rough patch today started with my daughter once again leaving the house without my permission, which of course led to me having to call the sheriff’s office once again (today’s officers were…

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What it’s like

So, I guess I am going to give you all a little glimpse of what it’s like to live with a person with a severe mental disorder, and how little help is available for families like us. Tonight my daughter asked me if she could go for a walk and I said no (it was…

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Miss me?

Ever have one of those days where it seemed everything that could go wrong for you just happened to go wrong on that particular day? I seem to be experiencing that, only not just for a day, but for two in a row so far. Yesterday’s fun was only worth a brief mention, not because…

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Expect some delays

I’m sure you all noticed that I didn’t have a post up at some point last night. I started writing something and I don’t know where it will lead yet, so I figure I should keep it quiet for now. Anyway, that’s what I was doing when I should have been writing yesterday’s post, so…

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Sweating all your sins out

Okay, so please tell me I’m not alone in wishing for some damn sweater weather, or at least weather where being outside for longer than it takes to get into your car doesn’t leave you drenched in sweat. I know I live in Florida and we pretty much only have 4 days a year where…

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Just Another Day in the Life

So, I went to bed last night with great intentions of getting a ton of stuff done today, including doing a full on cardio workout and cleaning my house from top to bottom. Yeah, you could say I was a bit ambitious. Needless to say things didn’t quite pan out the way I wanted them…

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