It’s written all over my face

So, we have come across the first Monday of 2019, and Mondays in this house are always Mask Mondays, so I am sitting here writing today’s blog post with a mud mask on. Yes, skincare is a big deal in this house. I mean, it’s definitely a challenge fighting against the sands of time, holding onto our youthful appearance. I take about a hundred freakin supplements, force myself to consume enough water, scrub my skin with all manner of concoctions in hopes of holding onto the illusion of youth. Yeah, the sheer number of birthdays I have had tells one story, but I really don’t want it written all over my face when I look in the mirror for far too damn long, especially since I don’t feel even close to my age (unless of course this is how you are supposed to feel at my age, which I guess I’ll never really know because no one has ever told me how it feels to have been present on this planet for 41 years lol). I don’t feel 41, so I work extra hard to make sure I look the same age I feel. God I remember when I was a child and thought that 41 must feel ancient. It must feel like I was at the halfway point of my journey, it must feel exhausting … but that’s absolutely not how I feel. I feel young. I feel almost like my life is still only just beginning. Like I’m still only on the first chapter of my story. I mean, sure there has been a ton of pages worth of knowledge and experience. Yeah, I have had to make my way through so many issues and difficulties. I’ve had my fair share of demons to battle and I’ve been knocked down more times than I thought I could ever get back up from, but I still don’t feel like it’s been as many as half of a life could throw at me. I don’t feel like I’m past my late 20’s if I’m being honest. I mean, I should feel older, right? I have children that are adults. I have children that are working their way through the struggling times of figuring out how to survive out there on their own. Shouldn’t I feel the sand sifting through my fingers as the hourglass is now half empty? Honestly though, I don’t. I don’t feel like I need to hurry up and grasp the sands. I don’t feel as if I am running out of time. I don’t feel old. So, I want to look the way I feel. I want people to see who I am on the outside. I want them to look at me and automatically know that I am still ready to go out and concur the world. Anyway, Mask Monday is in full effect around here. I have yet another mask to apply in a few minutes and probably another after that. Gotta check with the boss (Paige is in charge of what I put on my skin and how often I use said stuff lol Thank god my daughter is into skincare). Oh, and I have spent some time thinking about that new book I am going to write. No words yet, but the ideas seem to be coming together in my mind pretty well. I’ll keep you all posted. Hope you all enjoyed your first Monday of the year and I hope it turned out exactly the way you wanted it to. I’m off … catch ya all again next time.

Listening to Classy Girls by The Lumineers