I think it’s gonna rain today

Rain … rain always makes me melancholy, and diets make me moody, and headaches steal my words. I had an awful headache yesterday and today, which is why I didn’t post something new for you all, and I’m sorry for that. This rain and gloominess today has definitely stolen my sunshine, but thankfully we live in the sunshine state, which means by tomorrow the sun should be back to blazing in the sky and all this sour mood will burn off with the remnants of the rain that’s coming down in buckets at this very moment. Some days I absolutely hate the rain. If it would only rain at night, sweep through on the wind and throw lightning from the sky, then I would always find it beautiful. Or, if the summer rains would be our only types of storms. They came and go so fast, like the waves rushing in to cleanse the shore. They only last about 20 minutes, and before the sky breaks open, there is usually a rainbow. The horizon grows so dark, a gray so blue you just know the water will come down from the heavens. The thunder rolls across the gulf, the lightning flashes, blue sky is replaced by an angry ocean of clouds. A cool breeze rips across the land and you know you are only moments away from witnessing something breathtaking. It’s a sight to behold. Alas, we are not in summer. The rains we have now last hours and sometimes days. Winter steals that beautiful turbulence, leaving only a gloomy flat sky that starts to drip and doesn’t seem to want to stop. Yes, we still have some violence in the heavens. We still have downpours that seem more like a waterfall is flowing from some great distance above, but we lack that insane rush. It doesn’t end as suddenly as it begins, instead drips relentlessly. I hate the dripping. The dripping off the trees and the roof and my soul. I miss the sun. I miss the stars that are being blocked out by what I instinctively know are the same flat blah gray clouds that stole my sunshine hours earlier. I miss the warmth that will be blown farther south by the cold front that is here to rid me of my beautiful weather. I miss my shorts and sandles and the need to have a pedicure. I miss my favorite nail polish. Damn this incessant dripping.

Listening to I Think It’s Gonna Rain Today by Bette Midler