Where is my mind?

Missing sleep is a B*TCH and some days I feel it more than others. Today is one of my better days, where my brain is still mostly functioning, but others I don’t fair quite as well. I am struggling with day and night reversal right now. I have been spending way too much time during daylight hours snoozing away and way too many of the dark hours wide awake. Part of my issues are related to my book addiction. I get so wrapped up in a book, in the quietest part of the day that I lose all sense of time and it’s passage that the next thing I know the hours have crept towards the rising of the sun and I have yet to close my eyes. Words are my only real drug. Reading and writing, lost in some other world, a world that belongs to another. The fact that we can string together letters to create words, then words to create everything is unreal to me. How amazing is it that from all that comes the ability to communicate, to entertain, to educate? We create beauty. We can break your heart or lift your spirits to the heavens. We can illicit fear, cause chaos, start a revolution. We can do anything … Words are powerful.

Okay, so enough of my rambling thoughts. I’m sure you all are much more interested in the events of the day. For starters I did do my saltwater cleanse and it left me disappointed. I’m sure it was my own failings that are to blame, though. I read a lot about the process and was concerned when I read that it might make me puke. God I hate puking, so instead of downing the 32oz of salty water quickly, I took my time ingesting it and I think that might have been where I screwed it up. Oh well, next time I decide to attempt it I’ll try my damnedest to chug it quickly. Anyway, I also started the cabbage soup diet today in order to detox myself from sugar cravings (I’ve done this many times before and trust me when I say it works). I have a love/hate relationship with this diet because although you get to eat a variety of other things, the main ingredient is, of course, cabbage soup. I always start off great on day one, since I love veggies and especially cabbage, but by day 4 I am ready to throw out any remaining cabbage soup and beat the next person to look at me. I mean, it’s only a 7 day diet and I usually only go 5 days because I am not a fan of rice (which is day 7’s main ingredient for variety) and I’m usually fed up with cabbage soup by then (plus, I’m usually gagging when I taste my cabbage soup at that point, too). Although I cut my detox diet short by 2 days, I generally get the results I am looking for, which is I’m a few lbs lighter than I was when I started and I have zero cravings for sugary foods (win/win, right?). Anyway, today marks day one of that fun, so I can tick one day off the calendar. That makes me smile. I also spent my day decluttering my closet and bedroom (including going through all my important papers that I had managed to shove in a few drawers without sorting and putting them away where they belong. I guess you can say day 2 of 2019 was not wasted in anyway. By the way, I did do my yoga after I posted last night’s blog and I plan on doing it again tonight as soon as this goes up. Watch me try to keep these resolutions going one day at a time. LOL Okay, enough about my busy day. We can catch up again tomorrow night, so tune in then … you know where to find me.

Listening to Where Is My Mind by The Pixies