It’s written all over my face

So, we have come across the first Monday of 2019, and Mondays in this house are always Mask Mondays, so I am sitting here writing today’s blog post with a mud mask on. Yes, skincare is a big deal in this house. I mean, it’s definitely a challenge fighting against the sands of time, holding…

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I think it’s gonna rain today

Rain … rain always makes me melancholy, and diets make me moody, and headaches steal my words. I had an awful headache yesterday and today, which is why I didn’t post something new for you all, and I’m sorry for that. This rain and gloominess today has definitely stolen my sunshine, but thankfully we live…

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Where is my mind?

Missing sleep is a B*TCH and some days I feel it more than others. Today is one of my better days, where my brain is still mostly functioning, but others I don’t fair quite as well. I am struggling with day and night reversal right now. I have been spending way too much time during…

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New Year New ME!!! LMOA

Hello 2019!!! God I absolutely love the first day of each year, because I get to start my life all over again. I get a complete do-over. All my past mistakes can be forgotten, all my dreams can be refreshed and rewritten and reorganized. It’s like life and time give you a blank slate to…

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