I’ll be sore tomorrow

So, tomorrow I am going to be sore, cause I finally got off my butt and started working out again. I hate working out … like absolutely hate it. I’m not really good at it, either, but I figure my half assed workout has got to be better than no workout at all. I mean, I just get so bored with the typical type of workouts in like 2.5 seconds, then I start asking myself over and over why I thought it would be a good idea to subject myself to this level of boredom. It’s so bad. So, I’m also going to try to drag a kid or two out to the woods to hike a few days a week, and I think I’m going to go pick up a mountain bike so I can go ride the bike paths when I can’t get them to go with me. This way I’ll be doing stuff without feeling like I signed myself up for a course on watching paint dry. I need the fresh air, changing scenery and wildlife to keep me from sitting down to do some other form of nothing. I’m back to drinking water and coffee only, too … which means I have had to pee like a million times today (tmi?). I was drinking sugar free sweet tea all day along with my coffee, but yeah, those zero calorie sweeteners are so bad for us and I know better than to drown myself in them. Water is what we all should be drinking. I pay lots of money each month to have Zephyrhills water delivered to my house, so I damn well better drink the stuff. LOL I know, I go back and forth on the whole healthy lifestyle thing, so don’t be surprised if in a few months I’m back to drinking and eating crap for a while. It’s the way I move through life … I do everything in extreme. If I decide to get healthy, I don’t do it in moderation, I jump right in and get swallowed up in it. I’m like that with everything. I mean, look at my sitting here, pounding away at my keyboard, trying to keep you all in fresh reads right now. I will spend as much time as possible making damn sure I get something new turned out for you all each day … till I miss a day, then two, then 5 and so on. I’m sorry for that, but sometimes my inspiration disappears in the night. Sometimes life goes all sideways and I have nothing nice to say (mom always said that if I don’t have anything nice to say then shut the hell up lol). Sometimes I get so busy with living that I don’t make the time to write a damn thing. God, I wish I could find some sorta balance, but I don’t know what I would do with a balanced life. I just don’t think I could do it. It would probably last as long as traditional workouts last in my life, which is what? 2.5 seconds. That would never work. So, here I am, the girl who lives a life of extremes. LOL Hope you all really find me entertaining … I entertain myself all the time. Anyway, I’m making some sort of stuffed zucchini for my dinner tonight and spaghetti with turkey meatballs for the kids. Healthy eating is a must right now, cause yeah … that’s the extreme I’m on right now. Okay, this post is officially over … you guys can return to your regularly scheduled lives and look for a new post tomorrow. I’ll try to keep this trend up for as long as I can. Forgive the multi posts all in one day. I really do want to get in the habit of posting something new each day, and when I miss a day I’ll try to make sure I catch it up on the next day … or at least try to. LOL Talk again tomorrow!!!


Listening to Possum Kingdom by The Toadies