Autumn, you’re such a tease (Sunday’s post)

Got my hike on this morning!! Jen went with me out into the wild woods in Crews Lake park. It definitely wasn’t as nice this morning as it was yesterday, but Florida is like that and although yesterday was a breezy mid 80’s kinda day, today is working it’s way back up into the 90’s. So much for fall. Guess I’ll have to crank the air down for tonight’s dinner. LOL Fall in Florida is such a tease … you get the slightest kiss, then left wanting, all turned on and wishing for more. Ah, but summer is the longest goodbye here. So, I was all decked out for fall, loving my boots and light sweater yesterday … today I’m back in shorty shorts and a tee shirt. The woods were still a thing of beauty, even with the encroaching heat and the mosquitoes. Some of the trails were flooded, so closed … so was the lookout tower, which sucks cause that’s Jen’s favorite part. Thankfully the pier was open and I got to walk out among what felt like a million pond lilies. It was absolutely breathtaking. Got we really do live in a sort of paradise here. On the trails we saw a few pretty spiders and a poor dragonfly with broken wings. God he was the most brilliant shade of green. On a sad note, we came across so much trash in the woods today that I almost wanted to cry. Why people feel that isn’t okay to litter is unfathomable to me. Why on Earth would you leave behind your empty water bottles, beer bottles, wrappers, etc. I will never understand. I need to remember to take a trash bag with me from now on, so I can collect the garbage left behind by others from now on. I think humans are deplorable. If you thrash your house it’s one thing, but you don’t own the world people … pick up after yourselves!! I could rant forever on this subject, but I won’t because you all have seen the trash out there yourselves and know how sad it really is. I know the people in my life would never be so careless as to do such things, so I’ll stop complaining. Just know that it hurts my soul to see such disregard for this beautiful place we live in. Anyway, came home from that to make my beef stew and baked apples. Sunday lived up to all my expectations … I truly had a Sunday Funday. Tomorrow is teacher’s planning day, so no school for my crew … except for Paige, since she is no longer among the ranks of the public school masses. LOL Hope you all got out there and enjoyed your weekend!!!


Listening to Drown by The Smashing Pumpkins