All of this and homecoming, too (Saturday’s post)

I can feel it this morning. The cooler, dryer air is calling me out into the wilds, begging me to get out and get lost in the trees somewhere tucked away from all the chaos and daily grind. Too bad I have a million things going on today… and the kids won’t wanna go even if we did have the time. God I miss when they were younger and still interested in things, like the magic of a quiet wood. I used to be able to get them to go with me no matter what I was doing, just cause leaving the house sounded like fun. They would follow me into hell if I said it was going to be a fun trip. Teenagers are no fun. They don’t want to do anything adventurous, especially if it means doing it outside. Some days I swear they are no fun at all. LOL So, instead of getting out in this beautiful weather, I will get to spend today cleaning my house … and I think I want to make soup and homemade bread. I haven’t done that in forever. How awesome does that sound for dinner? If I plan on doing those things I will have to hit the produce stand and grocery store for provisions, though. Maybe I’ll hit up a farmer’s market to get what I need for today. That would definitely be a fun excursion on a beautiful Saturday morning when the air is so cool!! I think I’m gonna get dressed and head out to one.

I ended up going to the farmers market in Spring Hill and it was perfect. I got a cooking bug and went a little produce crazy, so now I’m making tomato sauce, pickles and tomorrow I’m making beef stew and baked apples. The sauce turned out amazing and I made a whole 7 quarts. The pickles I have prepped, but have to make the brine still and the veggies are all ready to go tomorrow for my beef stew. Can we say yum? Anyway, I didn’t remember to take pictures while I was at the farmers market, but I did snap a few of my produce and the final product … marinara sauce. So happy that I went!! Tonight is Alex’s homecoming dance and in the morning I’m gonna head out for a hike at one of the local parks. Look for pictures of that fun when I have time tomorrow night. Hope you all are enjoying your weekend!!!


Listening to Nutshell by Alice in Chains