Shameless self promotion is soon to follow

Life should come with an instruction manual, I swear. LOL I definitely need one for figuring out how to fulfill my silly dreams. My current desire is to maybe start working as a freelance writer, but who knows if I’ll be able to figure that one out. It seems there is a ton of information out there about it, but I can’t figure out exactly the right steps to take in order to make it happen. I read that you need to showcase your articles and essays and anything you have written prior. I don’t know if what I write on here would be considered that kind of material, but it’s what I enjoy writing. I mean, I write about whatever is on my mind, with no set plan of attack (I call myself an organic writer, since I don’t have outlines or anything like that, just an idea … well, sometimes I have an idea, but mostly I just let my thoughts lead me as they come to me, which I guess isn’t what you are supposed to do, but it’s the way I do things lol). Okay, so I used to write research papers that would blow my college professors away, but that was a while ago and I’m sure I am out of practice with that. Anyway, that is my great dream for the moment. It’s funny how as we go through life we start out with one dream then find another and another and so on. I have had my share of dreams, some huge, some tiny. Some I have seen come to life in front of me while others have faded like an old song I used to know so well but haven’t heard in forever. Some dreams end up abandoned and replaced with new ones. Some dreams evolve into something else entirely. I could write a book on all the things I have thought I would love to do, see, be, have and still have to write more (lets not talk about my actual book right now, it’s back in storage until the desire to take it out back and have a bar-b-que passes again lol). So, right now I want to be a freelance writer, but I just don’t know how to get started, or even if I would be able to get any work, since I am not formally educated in writing in any way, shape or form … so who knows if someone will be able to see past the fact that I do not have a degree. So, since I’m not exactly sure how to go about getting started with that venture I have decided to be more dedicated to my blog. I am going to make it a priority in my life again and I am even going to start actively promoting it on social media (please excuse my shameless self promotion that will soon be blasted all over all my accounts, it’s for the good of the blog … I hate the idea of becoming annoying, though so if it gets to be too much, let me know I need to tone it down). Feel free to share and pimp it out for me, if you feel so inclined. LOL Oh, and if you all have any suggestions, have any ideas on what you would like to read my take on, or any thoughts on anything, feel free to let me know. Okay, time for me to get out there and enjoy this beautiful weather we have been brushed with. Hope you all enjoy your Friday!!


Listening to Saturday Sun by Vance Joy