Life is so delicious

Life is so delicious

I love the taste of sunlight on my skin

All warm and sweet with a little bit of a tang

And the smell of a crisp winter night

When I’m all bundled up in a million layers trying to stay warm

And the feel of the first cooler day of fall

As it’s breeze brushes my hair back from my face

I love the anticipation of it all

Like the tingles that race through my veins as I steal a very first kiss

And the wait for the petals of a flower to unravel

And reveal the colors of the first flower of spring

And the way my heart picks up a quicker rhythm when I know you sent me a new message

I could get drunk on your words alone

I get lost in thoughts of beach days and bonfires and laughter on the wind

And lose all track of time listening to the sweet melody of the waves crashing on the shore

I find myself in awe of the sway of the trees in the woods just before a storm

Or how the first rays of dawn stream through the branches when the sun breaks the horizon

All the tastes and scents and the colors of it all

The gentle caress of life as it moves around me

The chill of raindrops peppering my skin

The smell of fresh cut grass

The sound of thunder in the distance

The blue of an autumn sky

I’m intoxicated by the world

So drink up my friends

Breathe deep and take it all in

There is so much beauty and wonder surrounding us each and everyday

I wouldn’t ever want to miss a minute of this crazy thing known as life

I’ll savor every second of my little bit of forever

And know that in the end I got to taste it all


Listening to Somewhere Over the Rainbow preformed by IZ


One thought on “Life is so delicious

  1. Troy

    Beautiful ❤️

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