Dating in the modern age isn’t for the faint of heart

Ah, the joys of dating. It’s always been challenging, searching for that person that gives you butterflies and leaves you breathless and makes you want to believe in fairy tales. We go into it with expectations, with desires as to what the other person will be like, what they will like or think or do in their lives. We meet people and talk to them and work on opening ourselves up to them, unlocking the door to our inner selves, allowing them access to our thoughts and dreams and aspirations. We wait on baited breath for reactions and chemistry and a connection that hopefully will bring us to what we have been scouring the earth for. Some of us are lucky enough to find it young and get to spend our short eternity with that one person, while others of us have to travel many paths in order to find who our soul belongs with. Sometimes those paths lead us into places we never wanted to go … like the land that is internet dating. This is a strange world where 99% of the people reaching out to find that connection seem to have lost the ability to have an actual human relationship, whether that relationship be of mere friendship or more. They are personable and manage to engage in typical communication while hiding behind a digital screen, but when faced with actually meeting and having a physical conversation in person, they fall short of making their mark. It’s difficult to assess the person you are talking to on the other end of the line, since they could very well be anyone. Oh sure, they post pictures and describe their lives in great detail, making sure to hit all the marks of a desired counterpart, but in the end you are left wondering how much of what was written is actually truth. Do they actually travel as much as they say they do? How does one have enough time to travel the world and still maintain a home/job/family/life in their home port, wherever that may be. Oh sure, there are definitely people out there with the skills to juggle so much all at once, but I doubt there are as many as claim to do it on a regular basis. LOL I mean, it’s one thing to travel a lot with your job, but to work a regular job, have a family, home, friends, social life and still travel all the time? Uh huh … I can see that … in a dream world where everything runs smoothly and there are no such things as traffic and everyday insanity. LOL And then there are all the people that swear they live at the gym, but aren’t gym rats … again, how do you find time to do that plus work and keep up with your extremely active social life that you claim to have? I admit that I have almost zero social life, don’t workout, and spend a majority of my time with my kiddos … cause they live with me and I’m responsible for their well being. Of course I love my time with them. Would I like to go out and actually do stuff? Sure, but it’s hard doing things alone, especially since I’m a girl. This world can be a dangerous place for the female gender and heading out into the wilds alone is not always the smartest thing to do. LOL Guys have it a bit easier where it comes to going out into the world alone. I’m not saying it wouldn’t be more fun with company, but they can still do it in relative safety. If I were a dude I would be all over the place. LOL So, here’s me: I spend a lot of my free time daydreaming about all the things I would love to do with the right company, while shuffling my kids from point A to point B. I write when I’m inspired, drag the kids to the beach on occasion, wish for cooler weather to get here so it’s more fun to get out there and explore some. I have a whole list of things I like to do that I never do, cause I have no one to do them with. I’m open to trying new things and ready and willing for someone to come along to go one a great adventure. Not at a point in my life where I can do a lot of traveling yet, but I will be in the nearish future. I would love to explore every part of this country and some spots across the globe, but until then I’m here… daydreaming about all the things I would like to share with someone else. LOL Anyway, the moral of this story is, try to be yourself, even online. Your glorified persona may attract a ton of attention and get you talking to all sorts of interesting people, but in the end you still are who you are. You should be okay with yourself and maybe, just maybe you’ll find someone with the same desires as you, to spend your eternity with. I kinda wish I could just meet someone the old fashioned way, without all the interview style questions and blind date sorta meetings just to see if you can click in person … but that doesn’t seem to be the way we do things anymore.  Anyway, wish me luck on the great search!


Listening to dogs rough housing under my chair and the soft melodic hum of the air conditioner LOL