Party like you mean it

So here I am on the eve of the great birthday bash that is being held in honor of my oldest child. He will be turning two decades old on the 4th of September. God how quickly time passes. I can’t believe that my child has been on this planet for this length of time. It floors me to think of all the years I have known him, held him, kissed his booboos. I read him stories and praised his accomplishments. I have cheered his victories and comforted his defeats. I have pushed him forward in hopes that he will one day become a man the he can be proud of (I’m his mom, so of course I’m proud of him). Here he is about to cross another threshold in life. Another mile marker down. Another step into his future. And although he is changing into this amazing man, he is still my son. Still the kid that smiled and laughed and played countless video games. I swear he was borne with a game controller in his hand. He is still the boy that was always pretty good to his mom. He’s still the child that tried to help his brothers and sisters when he could (or really, when he felt like it, but it still counts). He hasn’t been under my roof in almost 2 years, but he still calls me almost everyday. He still makes me smile all the time. He still makes me laugh. To say that I am blessed would be grossly understating my life. To say that I’m lucky would fall short of how I truly feel. I am beyond those things. Now, about this party. It should definitely be interesting. I asked Easton when he first informed me that there would be a celebration, what his plans were for the event. He answered with, “don’t worry mom, I got it all under control”. All under control for Easton means he handled the invites (most of them anyway). I guess the rest was up to me. Well, with my truck in the shop, looks like the joke is on him, cause he will have to go gather all provisions and make sure there are enough seats for all his guests, tables for them to eat at, and entertainment for them to be entertained. Really, I’m just the coordinator. He has to make the magic happen. LOL It’s going to be a great time tomorrow night, and I’m sure I will have some pictures and a great story for all of you come Sunday, but please don’t hold it against me if I don’t get to post anything tomorrow … it’s going to be a very busy day around here. Okay, I’m off to bed. Gotta get up early and get things moving. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Listening to No Rain by Blind Melon