This time it will be amazing

Okay, so I have some interesting news for all of you. I finally pulled out my novel and am dusting it off to start working on it again. Honestly, it needs some serious work, but I’m going to strip it down to the bare bones of the story and build it up again from there. Might take me a while, since as I was rereading it last night I realized that I don’t really like it as much as I once thought, of course I was a different person, in a different place in life the last time I laid eyes on it. So much has changed in me, in my surroundings, in my life since I wrote it originally. Hell, so much has changed in this blog since I first started it all those years ago. I like my posts much more now than I did when I wrote the first. I think either my confidence has bolstered since then or maybe I just worry less about if people are going to read it, so I feel more free to write whatever comes to mind now. I think it’s made this a better blog site and I’m hoping that will carry over into my book. It’s funny how time can change the way we see things, the way we feel about them. Our life is reflected in how we are affected by what we read or see or do or who we meet. I hope I add color and vibrancy to your lives through my words. I hope you find me entertaining and insightful and a positive experience in your world. You all are what drives me to share my crazy life with you, so I hope I drive something positive in all of you. Okay, on to other news. Car issues seem to be in the air at the moment. I can’t even tell you how many people around me are dealing with issues with their vehicles, including me. At some point today my truck will be in the damn shop to have repaired numerous problems, some I’ve been putting off because they are just irritating and others that are new and leave me questioning the reliability of my good ol’ dependable truck to get me where I wanna go. So, I have to take it in and get it fixed so I can go back to trusting it. LOL I love my truck, so I hate when it starts to show signs of it’s age (it’s old, but it’s always been good to me). Anyway, I guess after so many years of loyal service I can spare the time and money it will take to get it back in proper running order … I mean, it’s the least I can do for the old thing, right? So, I have that on my agenda for today, plus Easton is having a birthday party at my house on Saturday night which means I’ll be doing some major cleaning both inside and out. I have to help Paige with a project she is currently working on and yeah, whatever else life throws at me. Oh the life of a busy mom. I will try to make sure I post something new for you to read each day, though … and maybe give you all updates on where I’m at with the book. Okay, so I’m off to start checking off my todo list. Hope you all are enjoying your day!! 🙂


Listening to the sounds of puppies playing and Bison complaining and my finger hitting the keys. LOL