Running on Cheesecake and a damn good book

So, I’ve had a running weekend, but I finally got a chance to catch you all up on what goes on in my head. I decided that it’s finally time to work on some of my baking skills, since it seems to be what I do best. I know … I don’t look much like a baker, right? But I can be and I do wholeheartedly enjoy being in the kitchen making something sweet and delectable. Anyway, I decided to work on an Italian cheesecake recipe and I think I found success with what I called a cappuccino cheesecake. At least, I think it was good … my family seemed to like it last night. I ended up making 4 in total, which my kitchen did not appreciate all that much, but I was happy to share them with everyone that’s important to me. The first was a test cake, so my kids got to try it before anyone else (Need taste testers that don’t worry that I’m poisoning them if it doesn’t turn out right, and they are my captives, so they get the job). Then I made one for a friend, one for my daughter and the last went to my mom’s house for our impromptu family dinner last night. Hopefully everyone enjoyed it as much as they said they did. Anyway, yesterday morning I was out the door long before the sun came up because I had to take Alex to his first cross country meet of the year. Good god I had to leave before even the birds started chirping, but it was a good race and I was a proud mom waiting at the finish line. All my kiddos make so proud all the time. And I got to see all of them yesterday, which is a rare occasion with two of them out in the wilds. Of course, riding shotgun in Easton’s car makes me a nervous wreck, but I did manage to survive it. Today I ended up spending a good portion of the day nose deep in a book that came highly recommended by a number of people. I was lucky enough to get a copy of it for Christmas this year from Easton’s girlfriend, but didn’t get to read it right away, cause Paige scooped it up. I had a hard time getting it back from her … I think she was planning on keeping it. Such a sad, but beautiful story, it kept me entangled for as many hours as it took for me to reach the end. I’m gonna leave you all with my favorite quote from the book and tell you all that you should read it. The name of the book is “The Road” by Cormack McCarthy … and here’s your quote “All things of grace and beauty such that holds them to one’s heart have a common provenance in pain.” God beautiful words speak to my soul. Okay, I’m off to dream land. Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!


Listening to Three Seed by The Silversun Pickups