This time it will be amazing

Okay, so I have some interesting news for all of you. I finally pulled out my novel and am dusting it off to start working on it again. Honestly, it needs some serious work, but I’m going to strip it down to the bare bones of the story and build it up again from there…

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There is beauty in this world, too

This world can be cruel. People can be cruel. I’m always taken aback by how hard it is to navigate this life when you are dealing with others. We witness so many acts of cruelty, thoughtlessness, selfishness that it can corrupt our own hearts. But good people can be taken advantage of (this happens more…

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Running on Cheesecake and a damn good book

So, I’ve had a running weekend, but I finally got a chance to catch you all up on what goes on in my head. I decided that it’s finally time to work on some of my baking skills, since it seems to be what I do best. I know … I don’t look much like…

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