Craziness to a whole new extreme

Sorry again that I have been off in god knows where, doing god knows what for the past however long it has been since I wrote a damn thing. I’d like to blame it all on the fact that I’ve been stupid busy (which I have actually, but I’m sure I will get to that before I stop typing), but that’s not the only culprit of this interruption in our normally scheduled programming. My damn muse went off to god knows where on her bloody vacation and took all my inspiration right along with her. I’ve been left with a huge blank space in my head that’s usually filled with funny thoughts I want to share with you all. I hate when this happens. I get this empty feeling inside. Sometimes it goes on for so long that I begin to wonder if I’ll ever find my words again (that’s how I’m starting to feel right now). Anyway, I’m going to try to write this update for you all and hopefully something will click in my head. So, here’s what’s been happening in my life lately. For starters, my little part time job has already begun to blossom into what is starting to resemble full time hours. I’m not complaining because I love my job, but it was definitely unexpected and it’s requiring a bit of an adjustment period to figure out how to get everything I want to get done in my personal life with the now limited hours I am available to get it all done. It’s strange not having all the time in the world to get these things accomplished. I hope I get a better handle on it all soon, because I really don’t like having to do laundry in the middle of the night. I feel like my house is falling apart without me here to supervise the clean up process. It’s making me a little insane. Also this week I have had the privilege of helping my daughter find an apartment to live in while she goes to school. The first one we checked out was beautiful, but in a rough neighborhood. My one rule for where she lives is that it cannot be in the ghetto, well I think we found every apartment complex in Pinellas county that is located in a ghetto. Thankfully today we found one that seems to be in a nicer neighborhood, so we finally agreed that it was the right one for her. Now she just has to fill out all the paperwork and pick a moving date. I’m ridiculously excited for her, but I will miss her dearly. Another new thing in my super busy life is that I have decided to start dating again. I won’t go into details tonight, but keep a look out for a post that will be entitled “Dating in the Modern Age”. It will probably make you laugh so hard you’ll pee a little. Okay, and now for the real news of my super busy (and inspirationally devoid) life … My cousin had her baby girl today!! Baby Geneveive May weighs 7lbs. 3Oz and is just as beautiful as her mommy. I love you guys and am so proud of you Les and Stephen!! Okay, so that’s where I am right now in life. Things have gotten a little faster paced than I am used to and I’m really just trying to keep up. I’m sure I’ll get a handle on it soon, but if you all will just bear with me while I figure it all out, I would greatly appreciate it. Love and kisses to you all!


(Listening to Plush by Stone Temple Pilots)