Slacking at it’s best

Okay, so I have been a bad writer this weekend and I totally didn’t write anything at all since Thursday. I apologize for that. I worked all weekend and had family in town, so I didn’t even have time to sit down until I climbed into my bed at night. Anyway, I have lots to report to all of you. Are you ready? Okay, so Friday I worked an eight hour day, then went to meet my father for dinner. That took most of the night and was pretty uneventful. I love my dad and some days he makes me very happy. LOL So anyway, back to my weekend. Saturday was another long eight hour shift followed by family time with my out of town girl cousins and my baby brother and sister in law. We went to a waterfront bar and grill that serves pretty good food. We had a great time and I was so happy to spend some time with the girls (and my bro), until that is, it was time to go. We walked out front to the valet stand and were waiting for my cousin’s rental car only to find out that they misplaced it and totally lost the keys. Unbelievable, right? Well, she had to leave the car in the parking lot overnight and deal with it Sunday morning. When she got there (I was at work and had another eight hour day with very little sleep), she found that the car had been damaged at some point overnight. Needless to say she did not have a Sunday Funday. This was definitely the most memorable trip she has had here in our whole lives. Anyway, Sunday night this same cousin dropped by to say goodbye, since she was flying out today. Speaking of today, I did a little retail therapy before heading back to work for the closing shift. I got a cute pair of Michael Kors heels and a seriously nice handbag, which made my whole day awesome!!! I was lucky enough to get to spend a few hours with my best friend doing what we do best. LOL So, what did I learn from being immersed in all this busy chaos? Well, don’t trust the valet to bring your car back, cause they might lose your keys, retail therapy is good for the sole (lol I’m tired so I’m getting silly) and working six days straight just might kill me (I’m so exhausted that the words on the screen are kinda blurry and no, I don’t need glasses). I missed all of you and I promise to try harder to post something everyday. Okay, my bed is calling, so I’m off.


(Listening to The Foo Fighter Greatest Hits)