What better way to celebrate than fireworks and booze?

How’s everyone’s 4th treating them? Mine was awesome until the mosquitoes got to be too much for me (and a certain daughter of mine got tired and grumpy). In celebration of this momentous occasion we attended a traditional outdoor cookout which was full of great food, great company and cold drinks. We could see fireworks through the trees. Lots of pops and booms filled the air and you could just make out a hint of firework smoke drifting through the backyard of the house we were at. All in all a fitting evening on Independence Day. However, with the rain that decided to come down just before dinner was to be served, as the evening wore on, the mosquitoes came out in mass. It was a bloodbath. When I felt I had contributed enough of the red stuff, and had finished my second margarita (and had endured enough whining from a certain child of mine), I decided it was time to pull the plug on part of the festivities and dragged us all home. Oh, did I forget to mention that we brought Bison, Peaches and Daisy along with us? They were all fine and had fun getting food from many a hand as they hung out under the tables (yes, even the dogs seemed to enjoy this holiday LOL). But, as I said earlier, the bugs got out of control and I think we might all be suffering from anemia for the next few days (guess I’ll just have to make steak for dinner tomorrow night to help replenish our iron), so we left around 9:30ish. Now that we are home, my kids have all went their own way (I have a few out front playing with fireworks, one is still at the party, one waiting for his girlfriend to get done with work and one out with a friend watching other people light off fireworks. I’m honestly surprised I could remember where they all went). The dogs and I are chilling out in the A/C, in my bedroom as I write tonight’s blog post (not very good company I’m with right now, since they are all sleeping, but I am able to concentrate, so that’s a plus). Anyway, I hope you all got your fill of pretty explosive lights in the sky, big booms and alcohol for the year. I know I’m totally over the mosquitoes, so the outside is not even an option for me. LOL Happy 4th everyone!!! I hope it was a blast!!!

(Listening to the neighbor hood blow crap up and Bison snoring on the floor behind me)


(Peaches is sleeping in Daisy’s crate. LOL)