Weekend craziness

YAY!! I’m back up and running!! So, here are a few things, though. Past posts’ images didn’t quite make the transition and I’ll be honest, I’m too lazy to go through and reattach them (although I did go back and do one). Also, I had started posting my poetry pieces again, since they were easy access, but that was before the transition went as smoothly as it did (I honestly thought I was going to have to start over, but thanks to an old friend, it all worked out as best as one could hope for). Anyway, you will find the most recent poetry as the latest posts on here, but you have probably already read them, so feel free to skip them if you want. Okay, enough with these announcements, now on to my hectic weekend that I needed to update you all on. Friday night I was a hot mess. I went to a bonfire and proceeded to attempt to drink my weight in sangria, which turned out to be a really bad idea. I definitely felt it Saturday morning while I was waiting in the DMV, which may now be my absolute worst nightmare, but I managed to survive it. I had to get my license updated with my new address (I put that off for as long as I felt I could get away with it). Then I had the fun of going to T-Mobile to add a line to my account and update my address there (still feeling slightly under the weather). Saturday afternoon and late into the night my girls and I were shopping. We went everywhere. I had the fun of trying on clothes (since my recent weight loss has left me feeling like I might have to go naked because I had nothing in my closet that fit). I hate trying on clothes. Somehow I always find myself disappointed (hurray for women’s self esteem issues), but I managed to find some stuff that makes me feel pretty and confident. We did make a trip into Victoria’s Secret and restocked on unmentionables (pretty bras and panties always make ya feel sexy), so that cost a fortune and a half, but in the end was well worth it. Add in some super cute shoes to complete the outfits and we have some winners. The down side is that I attempted to wear one of my super cute pairs of shoes today and thought I would lose my toes to poor circulation (those are definitely shoes for when there is very little standing up and walking going on). Now I’m kinda afraid to try the other pair. I think I might cry if both are a no go for at least slight activity. Just so you are all aware, yes I did try them on before I bought them. Yes, I did walk around in them a little bit. No, I had no clue they would be a killer (to toes anyway) as they turned out to be. I had them on about 30 minutes before they started to render me toe-less. Thankfully, I was able to run home and change into my white sandals before permanent damage took place. Okay, enough about this stuff. I have to get ready for work and hit the door. Don’t want to be late. More to come later.


(Listening to the sound of my alarm screaming at me that I have to leave for work RIGHT NOW)