In search of what I lost

With the lights out, I can see forever

A million stars in the sky

A million fires burning

A million miles away

And I come here every night looking for her

I walk along the shore in hopes she might come back

Rip away the blindfold I have been wearing for so long now

Show me all the things that are locked inside the corners of my mind

She used to dance in these shallows

Prance in the turbulent waters where they crashed into the sand

And I lived in her wake

Inhabited her dreams

Watched through her eyes as she attempted to conquer her demons

And god she was beautiful in her struggles

And a goddess in her triumphs

She used to shine brighter than the sun

And I was there to witness everything

Then one day I lost focus

Life stepped in and lead me away

It’s been many years and many tears since I’ve seen her

But I still remember the fire in her eyes

I can still feel the flames of excitement and wonder

They burn deep within me even now as I look out across the gulf

It’s been many year and many tears since I’ve seen her

But the hope still remains that we will meet again

The part of me I left behind one early summer’s day