Craziness to a whole new extreme

Sorry again that I have been off in god knows where, doing god knows what for the past however long it has been since I wrote a damn thing. I’d like to blame it all on the fact that I’ve been stupid busy (which I have actually, but I’m sure I will get to that…

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Slacking at it’s best

Okay, so I have been a bad writer this weekend and I totally didn’t write anything at all since Thursday. I apologize for that. I worked all weekend and had family in town, so I didn’t even have time to sit down until I climbed into my bed at night. Anyway, I have lots to…

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Thoughts of you

I though of you tonight The one that was my first So young and idealistic So innocent in our love I hope your life is full of wonder And that you found your one But I thought of you tonight I just thought you should know   I thought of you tonight The one that…

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What better way to celebrate than fireworks and booze?

How’s everyone’s 4th treating them? Mine was awesome until the mosquitoes got to be too much for me (and a certain daughter of mine got tired and grumpy). In celebration of this momentous occasion we attended a traditional outdoor cookout which was full of great food, great company and cold drinks. We could see fireworks…

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One of the harder lessons life has taught me

So, last night a friend asked me what I was going to write about today and I told him that I would probably write about how I have to take my whole laptop apart in order to install my new battery because the one I currently have in it is fried (All my own fault,…

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Weekend craziness

YAY!! I’m back up and running!! So, here are a few things, though. Past posts’ images didn’t quite make the transition and I’ll be honest, I’m too lazy to go through and reattach them (although I did go back and do one). Also, I had started posting my poetry pieces again, since they were easy…

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I feel it there Deep beneath my skin Like an itch I just can’t scratch Like an ache in my chest I try to ignore it Try to distract myself with life and love and peace But that isn’t a cure It’s a temporary fix A band aide applied with my eyes closed Knowing full…

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In search of what I lost

With the lights out, I can see forever A million stars in the sky A million fires burning A million miles away And I come here every night looking for her I walk along the shore in hopes she might come back Rip away the blindfold I have been wearing for so long now Show…

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