Who’s your daddy??? LOL

My son come home to visit me this weekend for Father’s Day (not really, he actually came to spend the day with his girlfriend’s father, but he stayed with me and his girlfriend came over last night and hung out at my house, so it’s definitely a win for me)!! Needless to say I had…

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In search of what I lost

With the lights out, I can see forever A million stars in the sky A million fires burning A million miles away And I come here every night looking for her I walk along the shore in hopes she might come back Rip away the blindfold I have been wearing for so long now Show…

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Here kitty kitty

My job is just awesome! Okay, so I came home smelling like wet cat food (one of the worst smells imaginable , just sayin), which I will get to later in this post, but back to the fact that I love my job. Yeah, I do a lot of repetitive things, and I have to…

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For what I read between the lines

Have you ever just spent the whole day reading a book? I did that very thing today. I put on my headphones, started up some tunes and spent the day in someone else’s life. I love that feeling, getting lost in a book. I love wondering what the characters voices sound like and if they…

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The dog days are over

I have discovered that days off are best spent doing as little as humanly possible. That is basically how I spent today, doing nothing. I lounged at my desk, re-reading my old blog posts, watching all the posts made by friends on all my social media profiles (I’m a closet voyeur), browsing the internet, etc…

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Let me go on like a blister in the sun

I have been sitting here for the last half an hour racking my brain to find the words to talk about my damn tan lines and keep coming up blank. I keep catching glimpses of them every time I walk by a mirror (okay, not when I’m wearing a shirt or anything, cause I don’t…

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Burnin down the house

Ugh!! Florida is just so damn buggy!! Tonight I let my kiddos talk me into having a bonfire of our own (yeah, I’m a sucker). It was not as much fun being the only adult adult in attendance (I don’t count Paige as an official adult as of yet, even though she is by far…

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Holy sh*t … I do have a social life!!

What do you get when you mix firefighters, moonshine, cards against humanity … and my father? A lot of laughter, some very embarrassing moments and a totally good time. What started out as a bonfire (let me tell you, it’s good to live next door to a fireman, cause he knows exactly what to burn…

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What’s all the Buzz about?

I have a confession to make … I am a coffee snob. When I was younger I drank coffee for the caffeine rush and as long as it wasn’t absolute swill, I could stomach just about any brand or brew method just as long as I could sweeten it up and put lots of cream…

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