Waiting on fate

I’ve looked everywhere

Wandered directionless through my days

Called for you in my dreams

Begged the heavens for any clue as to where you could be

I know you’re out there

I can feel it in my bones

You make me ache

Make me writhe between my sheets

Make me imagine so many delicious possibilities

And I can’t seem to get my fill

I can almost taste you kiss upon my lips

Sweet like honey and just as sticky

Feel your skin, warm where my fingertips brush against you

Smell your cologne lingering on the air

It drifts through my mind distracting me from my daily life

Sometimes the scent seems so familiar, yet I know I’ve never encountered it before

I can almost feel your breath tickling the hair on my neck

A whisper lost in the breeze that I can’t quite make out

Sometimes I can feel you right around the next corner

Like you are just out of reach

So close to me and yet

And yet when I get there you are gone

Or maybe you were never there to begin with

But the feeling lingers

The hope remains

Maybe today is the day we cross paths

Maybe you are just down the street

Or the guy in line in front of me as I wait for my latte in the crowded coffee shop

Or just ahead of me on the hiking trail in one of my favorite parks

At least I have you in my dreams

A flash of electric eyes in the dark

A brush of an arm lost in the sea of unfamiliar faces

A name on the tip of my tongue that I call out in the night

And maybe you are searching for me, too

I just want you to know

I’m right here waiting

(Listening to Someone Like You by Adele)